Unlock and Unleash Your Potential

Jordan Scholl Speech Language Pathologist at Toronto Adult Speech Clinic

Unlock and Unleash Your Potential

Communication Training to Help You Level Up

What’s the one skill you probably use the most but have trained the least?

If you answered Communication you’re not alone!

Toronto Adult Speech Clinic was designed to be a safe space for adults to explore their communication potential with speech-language pathologists who work exclusively with adults.

As speech-language pathologists at TASC, we work with adults every day to help them develop their communication skills so they can level up in their personal and professional lives. With advanced training in areas of speech, language, cognition, voice, and non-verbal communication- if it has to do with your communication, our speech-language pathologists can help.

Still thinking a speech-language pathologist might not be for you?

Here are 10 things you maybe never knew a speech-language pathologist could help with:

  1. Voice Projection and Quality of Voice

  2. Small Talk and Networking

  3. Mumbling

  4. Managing a Team

  5. Communicating in Conflict

  6. Interviewing and Negotiating Skills

  7. Communicating Clearly and Concisely

  8. Presentation Skills

  9. Accent Modification and Enunciation Training

  10. Assertiveness Training

    …And so much more!

If it’s part of how your communicate, it can be worked on with us. And many insurance benefit plans cover speech therapy- so check with your provider to see if this is an option for you.

The best part?

Sessions are now online for ANYWHERE in Ontario- so we can meet you when and where you are:

A communication training program that fits your goals AND your schedule.

Want more information? Read more about our Professional Communication Training here.

Ready to take your communication to the next level? Book an initial consultation using our convenient online booking portal found here.


Meet Our New SLP!


Shouting vs. Projecting