Our Blog: ASK TASC

Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

“Let’s Talk” is Easier Said Than Done

#LetsTalk As a speech-language pathologist who works with adults to develop their communication, I often encounter adults who are suffering in silence with their mental health concerns. Our ability to communicate effectively can have significant impacts on our mental health. In addition, the words we use and how we treat those with mental health concerns or communication difficulties can have a significant impact on a person's mental health. 

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Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

Foreign Accents and English- Professional Considerations for Accent Modification

Over 64% of Toronto's population speaks a language other than English at home, and yet non-native English speakers are constantly facing barriers in their social and professional lives because of their accents. Toronto Adult Speech Clinic has a fresh take on accent modification therapy for adults, to help individuals not only reach their English-speaking goals, but become more confident communicators.

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