Our Blog: ASK TASC

Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

Foreign Accents and English- Professional Considerations for Accent Modification

Over 64% of Toronto's population speaks a language other than English at home, and yet non-native English speakers are constantly facing barriers in their social and professional lives because of their accents. Toronto Adult Speech Clinic has a fresh take on accent modification therapy for adults, to help individuals not only reach their English-speaking goals, but become more confident communicators.

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Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

10 Things You Never Knew a Speech Therapist Could Do

You may think you know the limits of what a speech therapist can do. But speech therapy is not reserved solely for children or disordered populations like stroke or accident survivors. Here are a list of just 10 (of the many) ways that a speech therapist can help non-disordered adults become stronger communicators.

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